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  1. #81
    Finally watched Twilight
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    "The other side of the mountain offers an unfrozen lake and an active waterfall, actually a quite beutiful area, plus it's warm enough for a hatchery. Yes I have started a brood. Alexstraza had requested I try to restart the race." She explained.

    "The first batch of dragon eggs has been laid, at some point I'll introduce you to Firag and blastraza, my consorts. You see, firag, being a red dragon, is helping melt the snow in the basin to bring life. And blastraza is more or less a clone of myself to do the laying, and she's basically serving me in that capacity only." She continued, not letting on that she had already killed the dragon. She had indeed laid eggs quickly.

  2. #82
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    January 2005
    A servant brings out their dishes.

    Rikka, though not certain, had sent flake at one point to scout around the area and had noticed that something had died that wasn't a human death, she was going to wait till conformation before bring it up.

    "Say would you like to help me decorate the place?" I say as I take a bite of the rolls on my plate. (the vietineese summer rolls(made from the souls of the dead guards from earlier)).

    "I think if the girls do well they will have their own rooms to stay in ^_^" Say that the girls who are working on their projects over hear this and delighted work harder.

  3. #83
    Finally watched Twilight
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    "I wonder if your decorating style would melt too quickly" she said with a chuckle.

    "I'm goig to do some patrolling around, your welcome to join if you like. One of my taj reported a small camp of barbarians that I'm going to try to cowe into serving us." She said with a snicker, "there are ways to intimidate as a dragon that you could neverr imagine"

  4. #84
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    January 2005
    "I'll Join you in a bit sis, need to make sure the girls are doing good and you know security sake" I say with a smile as I finish eating.

    " Oh I had some of the new chiefs cooking earlier, you should finish your plate its good food. Be sure to save some barbarians for me too ^_^. Who knows I may need some manly men and or hehehhhnnn." Snickering and eyes frosty glow as i float away to my girls.

  5. #85
    Finally watched Twilight
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    " No need to kill anyone my dear, well....a couple...just to make sure." She smiled and quickly finished her plate. Shre ordered her taj back to her house, and transfigured into dragon form when she exited. She lay down and waited.

  6. #86
    Arii Maehara Arii Maehara's Avatar
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    January 2005
    As Taiyou is having fun I help out the girls and since their still young converts I place a flake on the back of their necks to make sure they don't stray from my orders. Taking a stroll though the house I make sure everything can run without me.

    What I have been keeping a secret from my sis is that I have been blacking out more recently and I have built a dungeon basement.

    Feeling a tinge of evil in me I head down to check on the resistance.

    " think I am just a fragile weak woman?...that just because I'm dead you can push me around?" I say walking to the chained up men and women guards. I had paired them off by couples that i had figured out were in a relationship. Going to one of the women I place my hand on her chest and frost starts to cover her naked chest and pulling my hand back i painfully pull her soul out of her body slowly infront of her man.

    "noo!!! stop it!! " My eyes glow frosty white. I take a small bite and place her soul back.

    "All of you better keep warm this room is going to get cold quick, I got errands to run" I have flake stay in the room with them as a frost the whole room letting light in but sealing it off in that if they try to leave the walls will freeze them or flake will catch/eat them.


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